Following the tragic events which occurred this morning in Brussels, we are deeply shocked. As a reliable long-term supplier of handling services in Brussels Zaventem, we are fully solidary with Brussels Airport and all Airlines operating in the airport.
Our deepest condolences and sympathy go to the families and friends of the victims.
We are cooperating with the Police and airport authorities in all possible ways to enable the reopening of the airport as soon as possible whilst ensuring maximum safety. In the meantime, we support all airlines by handling diverted flights in the airports of Antwerp, Dusseldorf, Liege, Lille, Ostend, Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
We do thank all our staff for their remarkable dedication, availability and efforts today, in dramatic circumstances.
In particular our thanks, thoughts and care go to our staff present at Brussels Airport at the moment of the events, for whom we have done and are doing our utmost to reconciliate them with their families and to support them in these circumstances.
We do acknowledge that we still have not been able to reconciliate and get in touch with one of our staff members – we are in contact with her family and with the authorities and hope to be able to have more information as soon as possible.
About Aviapartner
Aviapartner Group, headquartered in Brussels, is a leading European Ground Handling services provider employing over 7,000 staff and operating at 38 airports in 7 countries. In 2015, the group has handled 400,000 flights for a turnover close to EUR 400 million. Over 200 airlines trust Aviapartner to handle their operations.